Press Release
The prototype shipments were to new customers in the automotive, golf and medical industries. All five of these prototypes have significant market potential and are undergoing extensive testing by customers.
- Two prototype shipments were high performance automotive components, which represents a new market for the Company where keen interest has been shown in an industry where having a competitive edge is paramount.
- Prototype shipments also resulted from the Company’s development program with iGolf Technologies which aims to introduce the next generation of technology driven golf club designs. Ultimately, these club designs will be made available to golf equipment manufacturers seeking an overall performance advantage in this competitive market where innovation is favorably received.
The medical industry prototype shipment falls into the dental
appliance category where the strength and resilience of
Liquidmetal alloy provides remarkable advantages over current manufacturing methods.
“As we continue to fill the pipeline with additional prototypes, earlier
prototype deliveries are continuing to be evaluated and measured against
critical benchmarks which we feel offer major performance advantages and
cost savings to our potential customers,” commented
Liquidmetal Technologies, Inc.
Otis Buchanan
Media Relations